
Galileo Group

Page history last edited by K. Zaleta 13 years ago

Galileo Group

http://www.nisd.net/oakhillsterrace/Links/3RD/solarsystem/solar_system_ill.jpg http://www.aerospaceguide.net/solar_system/solar_system.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/Moon_Earth_Comparison.png

Use the links below to investigate the topics below.  You will be working on these activities if you have shown significant prior knowledge of the one or more of the unit objectives.  You may be asked to stop working on these objectives in order to participate in whole class activities or to do further investigation on an objective you need to improve.  Please do not compare what you are doing with what any other student is doing, this is an individual journey.


After you complete each topic, please go to the Student Discussion Page and chat with other students who have completed the same topic.


Further Exploration 

Part I: Compare the revolution times of all the planets and relate it to their distance from the sun.

You will be investigating the revolution times of each of the planets as they revolve around the sun.  With that information you will relate the time it takes to revolve around the sun to each planet's distance from the sun. 

You may choose from the following ways to demonstrate you understanding of this concept:

  • Create a graph
  • Create a 3D model
  • Create a song or rap
  • Create a play
  • Come up with your own way to demonstrate this concept - please clear it with your teacher first.


 Before you compare revolution times to distance, check out the difference in planet sizes compared to one another and to the sun and other stars!




The Planets and Stars in Scale from Smallest to Biggest____.flv


You may use any periodical, text book, reference book, reliable website, or expert to gather your information.  Here are a couple links and videos to help you start your investigation:





The orbits of all the planets..flv


Part II: Predict outcomes if our moon no longer revolved around the Earth in the same manner in which it does currently - revolution time, distance, angle, etc.

You will be predicting outcomes you think may occur if our moon no long revolved around the Earth in the same manner.  You may choose from the following ways to demonstrate you understanding of this concept:

  • Create a comprehensive T-chart - one column with the current effect from the moon and the other column the degree to which that would change if the current revolution of the moon changed.
  • Create a song or rap describing the before and after of an Earth with a "different" kind of or no moon.
  • Create a play to act out the differences on the Earth before and after the moon's revolution changed.
  • Come up with your own way to demonstrate this concept - please clear it with your teacher first.


You may use any periodical, text book, reference book, reliable website, or expert to gather your information.  Here are a couple links and videos to help you start your investigation: http://www.astrobio.net/index.php?option=com_retrospection&task=detail&id=2507

Please note - this is a link to a 50 minute Discovery Channel documentary - please watch it at homehttp://www.milkandcookies.com/link/189405/detail/


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Image Locations:

Planet's Revolution: http://www.nisd.net/oakhillsterrace/Links/3RD/solarsystem/solar_system_ill.jpg

Earth & Moon: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f6/Moon_Earth_Comparison.png

Solar System: http://www.aerospaceguide.net/solar_system/solar_system.jpg

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